Friday, October 26, 2012

Howdy Partner!

Howdy y'all. I am fixin' to write a post about our week. I reckon I will start at the beginin'. Monday, when we got to school, we smelled somethin' a cookin' and we was hankerin' to try some of them vittles. Mr. Burd had done started cookin' us a mess of BBQ but we would have to wait. Finally, it was Tuesday night and it was time for the how-down. We knew it would be a hoot! All the kiddos mosied in a bit afor 6 and I tried to get a few pictures but what in tarnation was I thinkin'! Them buckaroos were jumpin around more than a jackrabbit on a hot griddle in the middle of August. I managed to get a few pics for some of you kin. I reckin y'all would git a kick out of seein' these  Well, it was time to fetch our clodhopper's and head to the shindig where they are serving that lip-smackin BBQ. That was some of the tastiest vittles I have ever did et. And those little cowpokes just did the best boot scootin' I had seen in a long time; even if their hats were a little cattywampus, I was right down proud of them buckaroos!
Enjoy these pics and Happy Trails...

I do love this cowgirl!!!

 One of my favorite things to do in 5K is to go to sing at Indywood.
They did a great job....of course.

 Thank you Mrs. Jackson for being an AWESOME music teacher!

 The kids where not shy when it came time to talk to
everyone. They had a wonderful time passing out smiles and hugs.

 HEY KIDS, What are y'all see under there?
 A WHAT!?!
 Boy, We never knew Mrs. Thomas could run so fast!
(No snakes were harmed in this incident, but one teacher was slightly shaken.)

On Thursday we went to Cedar Hill Farm and had a
MMMMOOOOO-valous time.
 Our first stop, after the bathroom, was at the petting zoo.
The kids could pet the animals - if they dared- and they
could also feed them.

Most of them just talked to the animals.
 After a photo op, we headed down to the pig races. We were divided into 3 teams and we all cheered for our piggy.

After the races, some of the kiddos wanted to ride the train.

 A few of the kids enjoyed the chicken show. If there is ever any
thing you wanted to know about a chicken, you should check this out.
 The rest of us went back to the petting zoo.

 Before (and after) lunch, they had a chance to run off any
excess energy the had. I was trying to reserve mine :)

 Boy, they sure do grow up fast.

     Next we load up on the hayride for the pumpkin patch.

 A funny thing happened on our way to the pumpkin patch....
     ......we ran into a pirate ship.
   I don't know why there was a pirate ship at the farm but
    we sure did have fun on it!

 These kids were DETERMINED to get the rope on the ship.

    AT LAST!  We made it to the pumpkin patch.

   They searched and searched to find just the right one!

         Catherine even named hers "Pumpkin Pie".
               Sounds good to me.
It was a perfect field trip!