Brody Gregory
He is 6 years old.
His favorite food is pizza.
His favorite color is blue.
His favorite toy is Dragon.
His favorite animal is a cheetah.
His favorite place to go is to school. J
He is good at math, baseball, drawing, and playing.
Things he likes best about himself are saying jokes, how tall he is, and his hair.
Ashlin Hill
She is 5 years old.
Her favorite food is Cheese Pizza with black olives.
Her favorite color is pink.
Her favorite toy is a small stuffed bunny that is holding a carrot.
Her favorite animal is a rabbit.
Her favorite place to go is to Kilmichael (hunting camp) and Donaldson Point (fishing).
She is good at Gymnastics and Drawing.
Things she likes best about herself are her long hair, her blue eyes like her dad, sister and brother.
He is 5 years old.
His favorite food is spagetti.
His favorite color is blue.
His favorite toy is my monster truck.
His favorite animal is a shark.
His favorite place to go is to Chuck E. Cheese .
He is good at gymnastics.
Things he likes best about himself are he is good at
science and playing outdoors.
Amaia George
She is 5 years old.
Her favorite food is watermelon.
Her favorite color is red.
Her favorite toy is her mini van and school bus.
Her favorite animal is my dog.
Her favorite place to go is to the toy store.
She is good at writing.
Things she likes best about herself is her smile.
Walker Cox
He is 5 years old.
His favorite food is spaghetti.
His favorite color is blue.
His favorite toy is video games.
His favorite animal is the panda bear.
His favorite place to go is to the Children’s Museum.
He is good at baseball.
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