Monday, November 19, 2012

Pilgrims and "Kinder"ians

Let me start by telling you that we did not have a typical week this week in kindergarten. We continued our unit on Thanksgiving and learned about the Pilgrims.

 As you can see, there are many benefits to being in 5K.

 Our classroom was temporarily turned into a
tee-pee and my students transformed into
Native Amerians.

   We read many stories about the Pilgrims and their journey to America. We learned about the trip on the Mayflower and their first winter. Finally we talked, created, read, drew, and acted out how the Pilgrims and Indians met and worked together.

   And yes, if you were wondering, this day was as fun as it looks.

 After giving thanks to God, we sat down and enjoyed our Thanksgiving feast in our room.
   It was not a "typical" Thanksgiving meal but we did the best we could with what we had.....and isn't that what THEY did too?

    Our turkey centerpiece turned out sooooo cute!

    All in all it was a good day. We are thankful for ... 
        ....good friends, good food, a great school, a place to live,....
    ....good laughs, healthy children, our family , a free country,...
..great parents, and the love and forgiveness of our Lord and savior.
Have a Happy Thanksliving!

Book Fair

Guess who we saw at the PDS
Book Fair
A BIG THANK YOU to all of the kids and
their parents who bought books at the book
fair for our class. He have enjoyed reading
some of them already.

Sunday, November 11, 2012


 This week we started our unit on Thanksgiving.
We began talking about the Native Americans
who lived here and about their culture. (Pictures next week)
We will continue to discuss this unit next week as we learn about
the Pilgrims and their journey to America.
This week's blog is dedicated to the men and women who
served in the military to help preserve our great nation.
Our Veterans Day program during chapel on Friday
was very moving and top notch.
 New Song sang "American Tears" and did an awesome job.
 Some of our PDS boy scouts presented the colors.
 Mrs. Burd talked about Veterans Day and why we should honor our veterans.

 Mr. Lamar Taylor was our guest speaker. He is the father of Bradley Taylor
who served in Afganistan. You could tell he is very proud of his son and
we are very thankful that he came and shared his story.   
 New Song sang a medley of the Armed Services Songs. As each branch was acknowledged, we
could stand in honor or in memory of a veteran.
 At the end of the program, we took pictures of all the veterans and their
grand or great grandchildren. PDS is extremely proud of our veterans.
Thank you for your service.

One Nation Under God
                                                                   by Roger Robicheau
One Nation Under God we live
Think about all some had to give
We the people share freedom’s life
In a world of ever present strife
Be grateful to those who keep this true
Warriors of our red, white, and blue
They're trained by those of great skill
Honed to perform, so strong their will
They show what love is all about
They’ll fight for us, there is no doubt
Defending bravely what we are
No holding back each heartfelt star
Highly praise these men and women
Giving thanks time and again
Those in uniform will always be
The golden pride of this country

Friday, November 2, 2012


What a wonderful state to live! We started the week reading the book "M is for Magnolia" .We learned so much about our state. We even learned how to spell it. M-I-crooked letter-crooked letter-I-crooked letter-crooked letter-I-hump back-hump back-I.

Several of the kids brought in facts about our state too. We learned that our state toy is the teddy bear, our state drink is milk, our state flower and tree is the magnolia, our state water fowl is the wood duck and our state stone is petrified wood.

Thank you Walker for bring in the magnolia leaves and a clay dish of Mississippi and thank you
Lane  for letting us hold a piece of petrified wood. (Try explaining petrified wood to a bunch of 5 year olds. I know they really think I made that up.)

I would like to take a moment a brag a little about my kinders.
They are doing an awesome job on writing sentences each day
and their coloring skills are WONDERFUL.
Just color me proud!!!

 Well, we had a little lesson in patience these past couple of weeks.  Our leaf hunt was postponed a couple of times due to rainy weather :( but we got to go today.
Our mission was to find different fall leaves. We looked for a red leaf, a yellow leaf, an orange leaf, a brown leaf, a green leaf and even a purple leaf. We also put on our list a PDS leaf (green and gold, of course) and a magnolia leaf.
          Purple.....check   well, Magenta ....check
        Orange ....check

            ......did you find the PDS leaf?

Now we said they could not pick any leaves off of the trees but we helped a few magnolia leaves that were "just about ready to fall anyway"...

 During the hunt we stopped long enough to check out the bark of the trees. It was very interesting to see how different tree trunks can be.

 Finally we made it back to the room. After a mini lesson on magnifing glasses, we were ready to examine our treasures.

       We talked a little about the leaves different shapes, sizes, and textures.

We found all the leaves on our list and some extra surprises too. Some had sweet gum balls, cypress balls, acorns, and one spider.
The grass withers and the flowers fall
but the Word of God stands forever!
Isaiah 40:8