Wednesday, January 23, 2013

100th Day of School

Are they not the cutest and smartest looking 5Kers
you have ever seen?

Here they are "rockin" their 100th day glasses.

 Thank you Merry Elizabeth for bring the delicious "100th day Brownie."
 Today we are 100 days Smarter. We spend the day counting to 100 in every way possible. We counted by 5's, and10's and 1's. We counted money. We connected dots. We made 100th day glasses and badges.

 However, if you ask any of my kiddos, I think they will all say that the best part of the day was when we looked for 100 kisses hidden in the room.
Each kiss was numbered and hidden and their mission was to find a kiss and tell me the number on the bottom. Then they could place the kiss on the number chart.

 Some were easy to find......

.....and some a little more difficult.
There were a few "hidden" in plain sight.

These little troopers did not give up until all 100 kisses were found. We divided our treasure into equal shares and we even had enough to share with Mrs. Burd.

 How much is a hundred, a hundred, a hundred?
How much is a hundred? It's 10 groups of 10.
 We sorted treats into 10 groups of 10 and took them home to share. What a great way to end and super-duper day. What will the next 75 days have in store?

5K is Out of this World!

My Very Educated Mother
Just Served Us Nachos.
That's the new mnemonic used to remember the planets since Pluto was downgraded to a dwarf planet.
 We learned that our sun is really a star and stars are really circle shaped. They are many different sized and colors like red, orange, yellow, white and blue.
 We visited our moon. We learned that it doesn't give off light but just reflects the sun. They were surprised to learn that the first astronaut, Neil Armstrong, left foot prints on the moon....and they are still there.
Lane brought a great book, "Lift Off" that she read to the class. She did a great job reading and we learned so much.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Christmas Time and Pajama Day

I love Christmas! There is always so many fun activities to do and crafts to make. We went to see "A Child's Dream" at the BPAC. It was so much fun to see our friends on stage. Great Job Rachel, Lane, and True as well as all the others in the upper grades.

We started early making crafts and decorations for our room. We painted hand made cross ornaments. My favorite Christmas song by Go Fish is "It's About the Cross". We sing it in chapel every year.Hearing all the children singing...makes me cry... happy tears. (This was the inspiration for the ornaments.) If you haven't heard it, go to this link and listen. GoFish

 I thought I had a picture of the ornaments on our tree but I guess I didn't get one.  They turned out great.

 Pajama day was so much fun. We set up the projector in the room and invited the other 5Kers over and watched the movie on the wall. It was so cool!

The only thing we DIDN'T do on pajama day is take a nap but who ever heard at sleeping at a slumber party?

Thanks Jake for bringing Christmas Tree Rice Krispy Treats. YUM
 On our last day of school, we had an awesome chapel and then we went back to the room where we had a great Christmas party. Thank you Ann and all the parents who helped and attended that day.
 The kids divided into 3 groups. One group played pinned the nose on the snowman while another group played snowball toss. 

 The last group had the challenging task of putting on gloves, but wait, there's more. :o) Then they had to unwrap a Hershey kiss and eat it.

 As you can see, we didn't wear our uniforms this day. We got to wear our Christmas Tree T-Shirts we made earlier that week.

 You can't have a party and not have food. Well, you can but what's the point?

We also spent many hours these last few weeks practicing for our Christmas play. Sadly, that is the time when my first camera quit and before I got my new one. Needless to say I don't have ANY Christmas play photos. They did, however, do an awesome job that night.
Luke 2 The Birth of Jesus
Finally, Dustin shared with us the Bible verses that he had been practicing at home. We were very impressed and it just reminds me what these little guys are truly capable of doing.